Diary of a man and his woodland

A blog about a man's dream to own a small woodland.

A much needed visit to the woods


The ill person that I spoke about in the last post was my wife. She has since passed away and my life will be changed forever now. After 53 years of being together it leaves a hole so deep and wide. There is no pain like this one, no words to describe the terror I felt for a month and the hollowness and emptiness that follows. I find it almost impossible to think of anything else. Each day is a drudge to get through but I am still here and have to find a way to fill my life with something meaningful. I am so grateful to be the guardian of these woods and will find some healing here and will continue to visit on a regular basis as long as I am able.

Yesterday was the first time I felt anything other than grief. I came to the woods with my youngest daughter to get some nature therapy. How it has grown in just a month! Paths are becoming hard to negotiate and I will need to do some clearing soon. The woods are so lush and fresh now and it felt good to be back there. We fed the birds, lit a fire, made coffee and later cooked sausage and eggs to make sandwiches. My daughter is shaping up with her fire lighting skills. Without instruction, she set about gathering kindling. I showed her how to use a firesteel and flint and she soon had a flame going in the bird-nest bundle.

There were no jobs done, we simply enjoyed the beauty and peace to be found there and for a while I felt good, just being in the moment. I have a huge emotional mountain to climb over the coming months before I will start to feel anything like good on a day by day basis but the woods will help.

8 thoughts on “A much needed visit to the woods

  1. Very sorry to hear that. Hope the woods provide you some solace.

  2. Out thoughts are with you in this time of grief and loss. Glad you have your “woods” to retreat to.

  3. Sorry to learn of your loss. I hope the woods will be a happy place to share treasured memories

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